Adult Catechism Course: Part 1 Faith

 Catechism: Part 1 Faith: An overview of what Catholics must believe

As a Catholic, our life is a journey towards heaven. While traversing the holy path, this Catechism class will review teachings many may have forgotten. We will dig into the nuances of Catholic catechesis, which can provide the tools to assist us in combating and understanding the conflicts, which have arose in the modern world.

Textbook: Spirago Catechism

  • Cost: $70 Register by September 5 for Early Bird Pricing: $50

  • Tuesdays from 3:30pm-4:30pm

  • Instructor: Mr. Perry Smith

Classes 1-14, scheduled every Tuesday at 3:30pm beginning September 10, unless specified. Babysitting may be available. If you are interested in this service, please let us know in the form below. Feel free to bring wine and snacks to enjoy.

  1. What is the Catechism/ Man’s Purpose - Why study the Catechism? Can we attain happiness in this life? Of what does perfect happiness consist? How do we know God? Is faith necessary for salvation? Is faith enough for salvation?

  2. Faith - What are the motives for faith? What causes the loss of faith? How grave are sins against the faith? What is a Dogma?

  3. Apostles Creed - What is the origin of the creed? What exactly does each line mean?

  4. Who is God? - How is God the most simple being? How is God one with no parts? Is God just and merciful? How did God make man?’ What exactly is original sin?

  5. Who is Jesus Christ? - The promise of the Redeemer. How did God prepare man for the Redeemer? What prophecies did he fulfill? The early life of Jesus.

  6. Jesus the Redeemer - How is Jesus both God and man? The childhood of Jesus.

  7. Suffering of Christ - How did he suffer? Why did he suffer? How was he exalted?

  8. The Incarnation - How can God be fully man and fully God? What is a person? An introduction to the philosophical language to explain the Trinity.

  9. Introduction to Prayer and Meditation - What is prayer? How do I make my prayer more effective? What is Catholic meditation?

  10. Holy Spirit - How does the Holy Spirit affect our lives? How does He bestow grace on us. Gifts of the Holy Spirit and extraordinary graces.

  11. The Church - What are the four causes of the Church? What is the Pope? When is the Church infallible? When did the Church begin?

  12. The Church and Salvation - The role of the Church and salvation? Who is a member? The proper relationship between Church and state.

  13. The Four Last Things - Heaven, Hell, Purgatory, Final Judgment

  14. Christian Hope - What is hope? Do we need hope for salvation? If we have hope, do we need to worry about our salvation? Is it a sin to not have hope?

You can pay the class using the fees & tuition link. Please select the tuition option when paying.


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